Links / Blogroll

Interested in joining the "blogroll"? Send me an email and place me on yours and I will gladly place your site here. I would like to keep the links relative to our Gaming topic though. no sense putting a cooking or baking blog up here... unless you're talking about baking textures for an environment ;-)

GameSoup -
Gary Hawkins Is a Brit gamer who created his blog for two reasons and two reasons only: Gaming and spreading good words to his fantastic readers. This includes reviewing and previewing games, complaining about games and pretty much anything that pops into his mind. He is a self-proclaimed "extremely harsh critic" and doesn't  let games pass through the pearly gates lightly. He can me reached for comment on Facebook, through his gamertag "GaryRLY", or by e-mail at

My favorite post/rant by Gary

Chalgyr's Game room -
Obviously not named Chalgyr - yet he's used that screen name for about a decade and a half now. He's a typical guy - married, in his 30's with 3 kids, and he's been playing video games for as long as He can remember; starting with a TI99/4a. He studied journalism in college, and in his spare time, does a lot of writing. The hopes of his blog is to talk about a variety of gaming topics. you can Email him at and find him throughout the gamer universe under the handle "Chalgyr"

Diablo III (and then some) post from by Chalgyr

Volatile Mode -
Don't confuse Jeff with just another blogger that may practice in the art of regurgitation shilling out the same news found elsewhere on the web. Oh no no no... He's just a good ole' blogger who happens to have free time and a trusty laptop (and wants to be a professional writer someday). Though he feels the dream is (almost) impossible, he aspires to become a professional writer someday. Preferably covering games, but anything spanning into technology or sports is where he feels best suited. If you'd like to know more, I can be reached through his email at, or his twitter page -

Jeff's first (that I could find) Blog Post

Nintendo Nation -
Nintendo Nation is Australia's Newest Nintendo centered gaming blog: brought to you by the massive efforts of thebigsofy13 :P, The Strikester, Gatlee, The Shadow and ChattyCat :), this blog is all Nintendo, all day, all the time. "The Strikester" is the Owner and Editor-in-Chief of Nintendo Nation. He has been a massive Nintendo fan ever since he first played Super Smash Bros. Melee. What followed was a permanent love for Nintendo. His favorite game to date is Xenoblade Chronicles, and his dream is to meet the man himself, Shigeru Miyamoto.

NN's "Kid Icarus Uprising" review (4/2012)


  1. Hey Chad! I've added your site to Nintendo Nation's blogroll. Could you please return the favour?

    Our URL is nintendonation [dot] net.


  2. BOOOM... And there it is. Thanks for the swap. Glad to have you!
